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Doxxing Cyber Crime and its Safety Measures

Written by Anuraag Singh ~ Modified: 18-08-2023 ~ Cyber Awareness ~ 4 Minutes Reading

Doxxing is a pretty noxious type of online attack. Anyone can be the target of this cyberattack. But don’t worry we have the best safety precautions for this that you can follow in your busy life. In this article, we will learn everything about doxxing cyber crime.

What Does Mean?

This is an act of publishing someone’s personal information online, including their real name, address, phone number, place of employment, and other details. 

Doxing (also known as “docs,” “dropping documents,” or “dox”) is not a recent phenomenon, although it is getting worse. Even cyber criminals also dox the Celebrities, politicians, and social media influencers in recent years, not just them, anybody can be the victim of this nefarious activity.

Due to the substantial demand for personally identifiable information on the deep web and the dark web, hackers usually exploit this strategy. 

How You Can Protect Yourself from Doxxing Cyber Crime?

This section is all about safety measures. If you need to know the best safety precautions for this then keep reading. 

1. Use a Virtual Private Network: Whenever you try to connect to the internet remember firstly you have to log in to VPN, with this practice your real IP address will be hidden. Moreover, using a virtual private network will help and will not be able to hack your address for the location or other identifying information.

2. Privacy Settings: Change your social media privacy settings and make sure that only your known person can see your posts and stories. It will prevent this doxxing cyber crime easily. 

3. Be Aware of Phishing Emails: Phishing attacks are used by doxers to trick you into providing private information like your home address, social security number, or login credentials. Be cautious each time you receive phishing mail purporting to be from a reputable organization, your bank, etc. Moreover, Never forget that reputable businesses like a bank will never request personal information. 

4. Don’t share your Personal Information: Keep in mind not to share your sensitive details while you are signing up for your social media because if you do then fraudsters can steal those details and use them against you.

5. Use More Than One Email Address: Keep all your email accounts separate for different works. For example create one email account for signing up for music apps, streaming services, etc. The second account creates for your business or professional work. Finally, the third one you can make for normal use.

6. Strong Passwords: Use strong passwords on websites like your online bank account, credit card portals, and work dashboard to keep prying eyes away from your most private data. In addition to stopping spies from modifying your personal information on social media sites, stealing your account details, or publishing their own messages under your name, strong passwords can also prevent them from accessing your social media accounts. The most secure passwords include a combination of symbols, numbers, and both lowercase and uppercase characters.

7. Set-Up Google Alerts: You may set Google to notify you if your name, phone number, home address, workplace address, or other personal information turns up online. This may immediately stop the doxxing asault.

What are the Steps You Can take if you get scammed in Doxxing Cyber Crime?

Unfortunately, if you fall prey to this attack, what would be your next step? 

1. First, collect the evidence and file a complaint at the cybercrime police station or national cybercrime reporting portal “cybercrime.gov.in”.

2. You can also dial a toll-free number ‘1930’.

Final Analysis

After reading this article may your all doubts related to doxxing cyber crime have been cleared. Now it’s your duty to follow all the safety measures that are mentioned above in this article. Moreover, if you might be thinking to take professional guidance then you can directly get in touch with cyber expert Anuraag Singh by visting his official website anuraagsingh.com.

FAQs Related to Doxxing Cyber Crime 

Q. Is it illegal?

Ans. Doxing could be wrong. But it isn’t necessarily against the law. Public records, such as someone’s criminal history, marriage license, and record of moving offences, can be published without breaking the law.

Q. How can I avoid doxxing cybercrime? 

Ans. If you fall prey to it don’t panic only follow the above steps to get out of it. And be aware of phishing emails that ask you for your personal pieces of information.

Q. How to report this scam? 

Ans. Doxing assaults should first be report to social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit. Doxing is thought to be against these websites’ terms of service. Contact your local cybercrime police department if a doxing attack involves unlawful behaviour, such as posting your credit card or bank account information online, or if someone incites others to vandalize your property or sends you threatening messages.