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10 Different Types of Cyber Attacks – A Quick Look into It

Written by Anuraag Singh ~ Modified: 03-01-2023 ~ General ~ 6 Minutes Reading

With advancements in technologies, cyber attacks are increasing day by day. It poses a great threat not just to companies but to individuals as well. Follow the guide to learn more about the different types of Cyber Attacks in the modern day.

According to a report published on 21st May 2021, Air India was under cyber attack where 4.5 million customers around the world compromised their details including passport, credit card information, etc.

Such incidents give us goosebumps just by the thought that we can lose our details in no time.

Let’s first understand what a cyber attack is, and the list of types of cyber attacks.

What is Cyber Attack?

A cyber attack is any offensive act that targets your personal information such as passwords, online credentials, and gaining unauthorized access to an individual’s or organization’s precious data.

Usually, cybercriminals are politically or criminally motivated. Ransom or personal grudges can be some of the reasons for Cyberattacks. 

But the main motive here is to make you familiar with the different types of cyberattacks.

What are the Different Types of Cyber Attacks?

With the rise of cybercrimes, it is essential to have knowledge about the different ways hackers can follow to steal our sensitive information

Let me take you through various types of cyberattacks.

  1. Malware

Malware comprises different types of attacks which include spyware, viruses, ransomware, and worms, etc.

But how will you get to know that you are being attacked by malware?

Here is the way, when you click on a “planted” insecure link or email attachment, it installs malicious software in your system which lets Malware breach the network you are using.

However, you have to recognize the different types of Cyber Attacks malware whether it’s Virus or Trojan, or Ransomware. 

Let’s discuss the same in-depth:

Viruses: These damage applications by attaching themselves to the initialization sequence. They create duplicate files with the same name but with a .exe extension thus creating a trap that holds the virus. So that’s how you can identify them.

Trojan:  Unlike viruses, trojan doesn’t replicate itself but it is a program that hides inside the source code with harmful purposes.

Ransomware: It’s a type of Malware that restricts the access of the victim’s data and threatens to publish or delete their important information until and unless a ransom is being paid.

Spyware: It is a program that is installed in a system to accumulate users’ valuable information and send them to a remote user. The attacker then blackmails the victim.

  1. Phishing

Now let’s come to Phishing. These attacks are the most common types of Cyber Attacks and you can easily identify them. 

Here, the attacker will send you a bunch of fraudulent emails as if they are coming from a genuine source. 

When you click on the malicious link or file, it will grant access and the attacker will easily control or extract useful information from your device. So, be careful before opening any suspicious email!

  1. Man-in-the-Middle

You know the challenge with this kind of attack is that it is tough to detect.

This type of cyber attack occurs when your network is unsecured, for example, public WiFi. They act as active eavesdroppers.

Here the attacker misuses the defenseless security system, acts as a mediator and enters between visitors’ device and network, steals and manipulates data by modifying network traffic. Unfortunately, the victims think that their data is being transferred to reliable destinations.

  1. DOS Attack

DOS is the short form for Denial-of-Services. 

Here the attacker floods your system with unnecessary requests and makes it inaccessible for the users.

Most of the attacks are seen in high-profile web servers such as credit card payment gateways, banks, etc.

Be aware of these kinds of attacks.

  1. SQL Injections

Nowadays all of our information is being stored in the form of data. So it’s crucial to secure it.  

But, what the attacker does is that he insert malicious code into a server using SQL(Server Query Language) forcing it to hand out the secured data. This type of attack usually takes place in an unprotected website comment or search box.

  1. Password Attack

The phrase ‘Password Attack’ itself justifies its meaning. 

Here, the attacker can gain access to your password and can easily enter a confidential folder or system thereby controlling and manipulating your data or systems. 

Numerous methods that attackers use, allow them to identify individual passwords. They perform it by social engineering, testing the network connection, or simply by guessing systematically.

  1. Zero-Day Exploit

Here the attacker bugs a defenseless software that is completely unknown to the developer or the public.

The name itself suggests that the developers get zero-day to fix the corrupted software.

  1. Rootkits

The term ‘Root’ refers to the administrator access and ‘Kits’ refers to the software components that execute the tool. Rootkits have negative implications for their association with malware.

Rootkits can gain access to the host by installing themselves inside authorized software.

Once they get administration-level entry to the software they can effortlessly steal passwords, keys, credentials, and retrieve data.

  1. Cross-Site Scripting

Here, the attacker will send malicious scripted code to the victim through email.

Once the user clicks on the link it redirects them to the authorized site and also runs the bug side by side, sending valuable information/data to the attacker and leaving your jaw dropped.

  1. Attack through the Web

As internet connectivity plays a vital role in our day-to-day life it is also vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

The correlation of things on the internet makes it easy for the attacker to breach an entry point and he utilizes it as a door to corrupt other devices in the network.

The above list only contains the top 10 different types of Cyber Attacks, that are common and mostly used in today’s world.

What can you do if you are a Victim of any of the Cyber Attacks Listed above?

The bottom line is that you should be careful while surfing the internet, transferring any important information, or using your online credentials. 

But, unfortunately, if you didn’t follow these measures and became the victim of a Cyber Attack, seeking a professional’s help like Anuraag Singh would be the smart choice you can make.

Anuraag Singh Stop Cyber Attacks

He has conducted many Cyber Awareness Programs to make our citizens aware of different types of Cyber Attacks. This shows his dedication towards the Nation and his work.

His hands-on experience of 21+ years, in the field of Cyber Security, Digital Forensics, Identity theft has made him an expert in handling cases of Cyber Attacks. So is there any reason left not to choose him?