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How to Fix DNS Hijacking Issues?

Written by Anuraag Singh ~ Modified: 28-12-2022 ~ Services ~ 6 Minutes Reading

Domain Name System (DNS), also known as DNS redirection being a dominating technology plays a key role in mapping the correct IP addresses to a hierarchy of domain names. But, now it is coming under the radar of cybercriminals. Thus, knowing how cybercriminals can attack and how to fix DNS hijacking issues is crucial.  

As we know, every technology brings new hope but, that comes with a price too! 

Why did I say so? You may ask. 

Well, most of you might have come across news related to DNS Attacks in the last few years. 

Based on a publication by Zeenews, “ India is listed among top 3 countries in Asia that paid a heavy price for DNS Attacks in 2021”.

This piece of information might have left your eyes wide open!

Hence, in-depth discussion about DNS hijacking and methods to fix DNS hijacking issues becomes crucial. But before that let’s understand the basic meaning of DNS and why are the hackers targeting the DNS?

What is DNS?

DNS is just like a phone directory, but for the internet.  For example, when you type ‘Facebook.com’, DNS translates its IP address and opens the desired website.

But did you know, DNS has the power to record all the sites that you visit from time to time?

Now, you must be thinking if DNS can record our web activities then there might be a  chance that cybercriminals may attempt to hijack DNS.

Yes, you are right!

There are a lot of pain organizations go through when their DNS is hijacked

Moreover, National security could also be at stake if the servers of the Defense Department is attacked.  

This type of cyberattack may raise serious concerns if not handled carefully. Therefore, it is important to fix DNS hijacking issues before it becomes a problem for you or your company or nation. 

But, the question here is, what do the hackers think before hijacking DNS?

How to Prevent DNS Hijacking? 

Many of you might have observed the serious need of protecting the servers. So, let me list out some precautions you may take to prevent DNS hijacking.

1. Keep an Eye on the DNS

Most organizations don’t pay attention to monitoring their domain server for malicious activities. Thus, pays a heavy price.

So, make a habit of checking the DNS or domain activities. Try to update the server from time to time with the latest versions.

2. Through DNS Cache Locking

Whenever a user types a web address it appears as a query in front of DNS. Then it finds the information and stores it in the cache for future reference.

One thing you can do to secure your information is by locking your DNS.

Thus, you only have the authority to change or modify the DNS data.

3. Secure using DNSSEC

DNSSEC stands for Domain Name System Security Extension. It ensures the queries sent to the clients are legit.

Let me elaborate the same.

When you send a query to the DNS server, it provides a digital signature with its response. So, you will know that you have received the information from a valid site.

By this, you can keep yourself protected from attacks like DNS Spoofing.

Are the above methods enough to fix DNS hijacking issues?

Best Security Services to Fix DNS Hijacking Issues 

Since hackers, these days are sophisticated programmers who keep on developing ever-changing attacks to hamper the mental peace of an individual or to wreck an organization. So, you should not underestimate them.

Thus, to deal with cybercriminals, you are going to need the help of an expert like Anuraag Singh. A genius mind who developed 250+ software solutions that have helped numerous people.

He is expertise in handling matters related to Cyber Security, Identity Theft, and Digital Forensics.

Laying faith in the hands of an expert will make your work easier.

What are the Different Types of DNS Hijacking Attacks?

To deal with DNS hijacking masterminds, you first have to understand the various attack methods that hackers follow to gain access to your server.

  • Through Malware 

Here, the attacker will install Trojan malware in the owner’s system and change the local DNS settings. After that, It redirects the user to a malicious website. This type of attack is, sometimes, referred to as Local DNS Hijacking.

  • Entering via Routers

Almost all routers have a default password. In this case, the hacker will take possession of the router and will try to make changes to the internal DNS settings. 

Thus, It affects all the users that are connected with that particular router.

  • Man in the Middle Attack

This type of attack is used to target high-profile audiences or to breach national security.

So to execute the attack, they will first block the communication between a user and a DNS server. Then, will send the various destination IP addresses leading to malevolent sites.

  • Rogue DNS Server

As you already know that DNS can record our web activities.

After taking control over the server, attackers will change the DNS records.

As a result, it will redirect the operator to vicious sites.

  • DNS Spoofing

It is an attack that involves redirecting legitimate websites towards fake ones.

For instance, if you type ‘Google.com’ then it will divert you to an illegal site ‘Google.attacker.com’.

Don’t these attack methods sound intimidating? Moreover, its aftereffects can be more severe What can they be?

Well, let’s find out!


DNS Attacks Detection Methods

Once a cybercriminal takes complete control over your server, it can cause alarming damages. Here, I am discussing a few ways in which you can detect and then fix your DNS hijacking issues. 

Some of them are: 

  • If an attacker is targeting an individual’s server, then after gaining access he can steal your sensitive information such as your login details. It could be from social media login details to your online transaction login details.
  • Another scenario could be a mass attack, where multiple DNS servers are involved. Suppose an intruder took over an organization’s server, then he can manipulate or could leak valuable information to their competitors.
  • On a serious note, what if a hacker gets into the servers of our country’s defence security system? National security could be at risk! They can sell top-secret information to the enemies.

Taking all the above concerns into account, knowing how to detect the DNS attacks and getting the services of a cyber expert becomes necessary to fix the DNS hijacking issues. Don’t you agree with me?